The Marks Family welcome you to The Red Lion, Crick. Please browse our website and follow us on facebook.

EUROS FINAL - ENGLAND V SPAIN: Sunday 14th July, 8pm kick off. Showing LIVE in The Den. Check out the Events page for our football specials - half time pie & pint and drinks deals during the game!

SCARECROW & MUSIC FESTIVAL: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th. We're open all day throughout the Festival weekend - see Events page for more information including food times.

BINGO NIGHT: Sunday 21st July. Eyes down for bingo at 7pm!

QUIZ NIGHTS 2024: Do you have a favourite charity or local cause? We've got slots still available for 2024 for anyone who would like to host one of our monthly Quiz Nights (last Sunday of each month)! If you're interested please get in touch.


Opening Hours & Bar Times:

Monday - Friday: 11am - 2.30pm
                                     5pm - 11pm

Saturday & Sunday: 11am - 11pm (all day)

Food Times:

Monday - Saturday: 12 Midday - 2pm
                                     6pm - 9pm

                     Sunday: 12 Midday - 2pm
                                     No food Sunday eve.

See Events page for details of monthly Sunday Pie Night

Booking is advised to ensure a table. We also show a

range of live sports in The Den, which can also be

booked as an events space.